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Rental Market Analysis

The Struggle for Affordable Housing: Renters Face Unaffordable Prices

Rental Market Analysis

According to the latest data released by the Harvard Joint Center for Housing Studies, the median asking rent in the United States has seen a slight decline. As of January 2024, the median rent stands at $1,713, which is down by $4 from November and $63 from the peak reached in July 2022.

Impact on Renters

Despite the modest reduction, rental prices remain unaffordable for a record number of Americans. A significant portion, representing half of all renters, now spend more than 30% of their pre-tax income on rent. This financial burden has put a severe strain on household finances, particularly for low-income and middle-class families.

Pandemic-Driven Spike

The COVID-19 pandemic has significantly exacerbated the affordability crisis. In 2022, as the demand for housing surged during the pandemic, rents spiked to unprecedented levels. A record half of US households faced rent hikes, squeezing budgets across income levels.

Government Response

The Biden administration has recognized the urgency of the issue and has taken steps to address the housing affordability crisis. The administration has proposed increased funding for affordable housing programs and is exploring policies to promote housing construction and stabilize rent prices.


The ongoing affordability crisis continues to pose a significant challenge for millions of renters in the United States. A comprehensive approach is needed to address the root causes of rising rents and ensure that everyone has access to safe and affordable housing.
